Armored Cavalry Platoons in Transition
Here is a fun little document that reflects the major
changes happening in regimental cavalry platoons in the late
1970s. Published as a quick augmentation to FM 17 - 95, it
discusses basic changes in tactics and techniques for a
cavalry platoon as the M551 and, for some units, the M114,
were replaced by M60A1 tanks and M901 Improved TOW Vehicles.
For the 11th ACR and Eaglehorse at Bad Kissingen, this
occurred in the 1978, replacement of M551, through 1980,
gain of M901.

LT Tom
Sommerkamp and his platoon in
Golf Troop at Grafewoehr
--Tom Sommerkamp
[Click on the thumbnail to view the full sized picture]
Along with the major equipment changes, the infantry squad
is eliminated and while not addressed specifically, the 4.2
mortar track was generally consolidated into a three tube
battery with its own FDC. The document shows cavalry
troopers on light cross country motorcycles, an idea that
was endlessly experimented with at Fort Bliss and the 3rd
ACR before finally being abandoned; too many troopers were
injured in the field with little reconnaissance value added.
Have fun with this little review and insure all trooper’s
common skills and MOS specific job books are properly filled
out and up to date for performance goals.
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