Where are Your Decorations?In early
2007, one of the major retailers of military
collectables placed for sale a significant lot of
medals, presentation certificates, formal paperwork,
badges, photos and other personal and military effects
related to Oberstlieutenant ( lieutenant colonel )
Rudolf Haen, a German Panzer officer from World War II.
Haen’s career began with the 2nd Panzer
Division and as the war progressed, he became one of the
highest decorated armor officers of the Reich. He
survived the war and somehow escaped from his last duty
assignment in Italy only to be shot by U.S. forces on
the first day of peace at a POW camp just outside of Bad
Kissingen. Much of his life is well documented, the
great mystery lies in the circumstances of his death.
To Die with the Coming of Peace
Oberstleutnant Rudolf Haen
The 3rd Infantry Division and the 14th
Armor Division cleared Bad Kissingen and the immediate
surrounding regions of German resistance in the first
week of April 1945. The city surrendered without
fighting, the last tanks of the famed German 2nd
Panzer Divison, once traditionally linked to this
Oberfranken region, were destroyed just north of Bad
Kissingen. The smoke cleared, the U.S. tanks and
infantry moved on and Bad Kissingen rapidly became part
of the XV Corps rear. The military significance of the
area was relegated to the bridges and major roads that
were still intact and how they fit the vast logistics
plan supporting the surging Army in the final days of
the war.
In tracing the specific threads of history related to
the American Army and Bad Kissingen during this period,
only fleeting reference is found to the Kurstadt. A few
rare citations mention an Army vehicle repair area and a
POW camp in the vicinity of the city; the specific units
responsible for these operations is unknown. At least
for the moment, which American unit ran the POW camp and
how a highly decorated German officer came to be shot on
the first official day of peace in 1945 is lost to the
fog of war.
The Army and the Army of Prisoners
From the first trickle of German POWs taken in the
opening hours of the Normandy invasion to the
unparalleled flood of prisoners encountered by
Eisenhower’s Allied Expeditionary Force in the last days
of the war, the record is clear that on the whole,
captured or surrendering German forces were treated
professionally and humanely by U.S. forces. There were
exceptions, particularly when members of the SS were
captured or, towards the end of the war, once the
horrors of the Nazi concentration camps were discovered
and became widely know among Allied troops. It was not
uncommon for newly liberated concentration camp victims
to take the law into their own hands for a few hours as
U.S. soldiers stood by. There also were isolated
instances of American soldiers roughing up, beating and
even executing captured Germans but these were not
sanctioned events and while not thoroughly investigated
or prosecuted, actions of this nature, when suspected,
were at the minimum, strongly discouraged.
U.S. Commanders and leaders at all levels were to
insure that prisoners were disarmed, interrogated when
possible for locally important information and then sent
quickly to the rear. Combat troops handed responsibility
off for POWs as soon as possible with battalion and
division support troops usually sheparding long German
columns to the rear. POW camps were the responsibility
of the Military Police within Corps and Army rear areas
but by the Spring of 1945, their numbers were stretched
thin by the sheer volume they faced and under utilized
units with no formal training in prisoner administration
increasingly were ordered to the POW task.
In central Germany, the number of POWs reached
proportions that began to strain the abilities of U.S.
forces to adequately process the vast broken army. The
Wehrmacht was dissolving and given the choice between
surrendering to the Americans or the Russians, the roads
and forests became choked with unarmed soldiers in gray
fleeing to the west - southwest to reach American
custody, hide in the woods or simply make their way
home. In the British sectors of responsibility,
surrendering Germans were often directed, led or chased
towards the boundary with U.S. forces. The numbers of
POWs were astounding and Earl F. Ziemke wrote in his
The U. S. Army in the Occupation of Germany 1944 - 1946,
“ the plans had anticipated U.S. prisoner of war
holdings to reach about 900, 000 by 30 June 1945. On 15
April 1.3 million prisoners were in U.S. hands. Another
600, 000 captures were expected in the next two weeks
and at least that many more in May. Legally they were
all entitled to the basic rations and quarters furnished
to U.S. troops of the same rank. “
At the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary
Forces, to help guard all the prisoners, additional
forces were allocated to include the men from most of
the U.S. anti - aircraft battalions deployed in Germany.
Open air camps holding tens of thousands of men became
the norm, the prisoners had no shelter beyond the tent
halves they may have brought with them. There was no
running water or sanitary facilities. Thousands would
have died of exposure were not for the late Spring of
1945 being relatively mild and the POWs were, by virtue
of long years of war, already familiar with Spartan
conditions and short rations. Logisticians tried to
insure that at a minimum, each POW received one C ration
per day . Camp administrators organized captured German
medics and doctors to form local POW hospitals overseen
by Allied medical personnel.
The search was on for a select, small list of Nazi
political figures and known war criminals but for the
vast numbers of rank and file POWs, the Spring of 1945
was spent staring out at the countryside separated from
the German woods by a few strands of barbed wire and the
U.S. guards. From the camps, it was not uncommon for the
prisoners to see, in the wood lines, groups of their
fellow soldiers, marching along in some loose order
heading home. American guards might give chase or allow
the bands to disappear into the forests. Maybe someone
else would pick them up. Such was the environment that
prisoner of war Oberstlieutenant Rudolf Haen found
himself in early May 1945.
The Career of Oberstlieutenant Rudolf Haen
By any standards, Oberstlieutenant Rudolf Haen was a
remarkable combat leader. He was born in Stuttgart in
1915 and began his career after graduation from the
prestigious Military Academy at Potsdam Berlin in the
traditional pattern of an enlisted soldier quickly
placed into the Junker - Fahnenjunker officer training
path. One source states his first assignment was with
the 5th Aufklarungs Abteilung, the scout
battalion of the 2nd Panzer Division, located
in the town of Kornwestheim. Other sources place him
during this period with the 5th
Kraftfahrabteilung, a motorized transportation battalion
headquartered in Stuttgart with companies in Ulm and
Kassel. This latter source is probably the more accurate
account; Haen, never married, maintained his official
home of record at a Stuttgart address. Either way, this
was all consistent with the beginning of a Panzer career
although, there is an interesting brief side story.
Apparently, Haen was fascinated during his career
with the German Army’s Fallschirmjagers - paratrooper
corps. The owner of Haen’s papers reported that found in
the collection were dozens of photos related to these
specialized Luftwaffe units and Haen, had he the chance
to restart his military career, probably would have
followed Luftwaffe General Karl Student into the
fledgling paratroopers. This was not an option in the
mid 1930s and it was with the dynamic Panzer forces that
he would make his mark.
By 1938, Haen had passed the probationary period, was
promoted to the grade of lieutenant and assigned as the
“ ordnance officer “ of the II Battalion, Panzer
Regiment 4, 2nd Panzer Division. This
position was similar to the U.S. battalion / squadron
motor officer with the additional responsibility of
maintenance and repair of all weapons associated with
the unit. It is unclear if Haen was with the battalion
while it was in Schweinfurt; he certainly was with the
unit after the move to Laxenburg, Austria.
With the coming of the war, Haen participated in both
the invasions of Poland and France while assigned to
Panzer Regiment 4. At some point, he may have served as
a tank platoon leader during these campaigns although
there appears to be no clear specific record. He
received the Iron Cross 2nd Grade for his
actions in the Polish campaign and was not decorated for
valor in the French campaign.
Haen’s combat career became particularly noteworthy
with the invasion of Russia in 1941. After service with
the 2nd Panzer Division, he was transferred
to Panzer Abteilung 100, a battalion assigned to the 47th
Panzer Corps operating in the central sector of the
Russian front and is awarded the Iron Cross 1st Grade.
The following year, as a senior lieutenant, he was
transferred to the 103 Panzer Battalion, part of the 3rd
Motorized Infantry Division. This armored unit did not
have tanks but rather was equipped with the highly
effective tracked assault guns that served the Wehrmacht
well in both attack and defense. Promoted to captain,
Haen took command of Company 1 and in September 1942, is
awarded the German Cross in Gold for valor during the
fight for Stalingrad. In November, he is again cited for
valor and received the Knight’s Cross. Wounded in
action, Haen was evacuated from Russia to recover in
Germany. The battalion he left behind was subsequently
destroyed over the next few months as the Soviets
encircled and eliminated the Sixth German Army at
In mid 1943, the 3rd Motorized Division
was reconstituted as the 3rd Panzergrenadier
Division and Haen, recovered from his injuries, was
given command of the reformed Panzer Battalion 103. The
division was sent to the Italian front and employed
against the Americans as they fought their way north
thru the mountains. In early 1944, he was promoted to
Major and in November, in recognition of his combat
achievements in both Russian and Italy, Haen was awarded
the Oak Leaf cluster to his Knights Cross. With this
level of award, Haen reached the upper echelons of the
German combat award hierarchy. After attending the
General Staff School in Berlin, in early 1945, Haen was
ordered to return to the Italian front as a member of
the Command Staff of the 14th Army. At this
point, the facts surrounding Haen’s well documented
career suddenly become very sparse.
The last entry in his military record records his
promotion to Oberstlieutenant effective on 20 April
1945. In Italy, the German 14th Army
surrendered on 2 May and the final line found in Rudolf
Haen biographies in English and German usually states he
was “shot “ or “ died “ in American captivity at Bad
Kissingen on 9 May 1945.
How does Haen get from northern Italy to central
Germany when virtually all German rail and air
operations had been destroyed is just one of the many
frustrating questions at hand. There still were a few
brave pilots with light aircraft ferrying the most
senior officials around what was left of the Reich in
the Spring of 1945. Combat record notwithstanding, at
his grade, Haen hardly qualifies for that type of
service and it is a very long walk in the snow through
the Alps from Italy to Bad Kissingen. Had Haen abandoned
the 14th Army earlier and somehow found his
way into Bavaria? This hardly seems in keeping with his
career that placed enormous value on loyalty to the
sacred German military traditions.
The owner of the Haen document collection speculated
that Field Marshall Albert Kesselring may have assisted
in Haen’s departure from Italy. They had know each other
in the Mediterranean front and Haen was a personal
favorite. In the last days of the war, Kesselring was
the Commander - in - Chief of Wehrmacht forces in the
West and certainly had the means to expedite Haen’s
escape. Whatever the circumstances, Haen, most probably
heading to Stuttgart, was scooped up by American forces
somewhere in the Main - Franken region in the Spring of
1945 and was sent to the closest U.S. POW enclosure. It
was located just outside of Bad Kissingen.
POW Enclosure Bad Kissingen and to Die with the
Coming of Peace
Beyond the fact that there was a POW camp at Bad
Kissingen, very little is known of its location, size or
the unit responsible for its operation. It was not at
the Kaserne or in the town, those facts are well
established and the Bad Kissingen city archivist has
nothing in his files related to Haen or the camp. The
one published German book that focuses on the war years
and immediate post war life in the town makes no mention
of the camp. The one camp in that area that does appear
in some detail in written accounts was located at the
Hammelburg, somewhat southwest of Bad Kissingen. As soon
as U.S. forces liberated the captured Russians and
Americans held at Hammelburg, the camp immediately began
to fill with German POWs.
Zeimke quotes the account of Lieutenant Colonel F.
Van Wyke Mason, a member of the SHAFE G 5 staff as he
reported a visit to a typical large POW enclosure
located near Bad Kreuznach in mid April 1945.
“ … I had a look at the jail that was well supplied
with Nazis and suspects. Then went on to the PW cage on
the edge of town. We arrived at sunset and saw a
breathtaking panorama; 37, 000 German, Hungarian and
other Axis prisoners roaming in a caged area of about
half a square mile. They certainly were not coddled
there. They slept on the bare ground with whatever
covering they had brought with them. They got two ’ Cs ’
per day and that was it. …there was a separate enclosure
for officers where they were so tightly packed they had
barely room to lie down and more trucks kept coming up
every few minutes … In command of the camp was a 1st
Lt of infantry with less than 300 ( he probably intended
to write 30 ) men. The boys looked a bit serious as they
crouched behind their machine guns for there was only
one strand of wire and no search lights for night time.
Periodically some Germans did try to get loose but they
were always cut down before they got 50 yards distance.
The camp at Bad Kissingen certainly was not this
large but Mason’s account describes a scene that in many
ways probably accurately reflected the situation that
Haen found himself in.
Which American unit in specific had responsibility
for this enclosure; yet another frustrating and
unanswered question. In the last week of the war, the 3rd
Infantry Division and 14th Armored Division
have long cleared from the immediate area. The post war
published histories of both units shed no light on the
issue and in the Main - Franken region, corps boundaries
and divisions within each corps seemed to change with
lightening speed even as the war was coming to an end.
Those post war accounts of U.S. POW operations in the
end phase of the war generally concentrate on either the
search for the war criminals or take the “ big number “
approach to the topic. With hundreds of un - named camps
and hundreds of thousands of prisoners, perhaps more
detailed accounts are just not possible.
I think Bad Kissingen lay deep in the U.S. XV Corps
area during late April, then on 2 May, the 99th
Infantry Division, part of III U.S. Corps, was ordered
to suspend its advance and pull out of the combat line.
Five days later, this unit was ordered to move towards
northern Bavaria and the area including Bad Kissingen,
and begin a formal occupation mission. Taking control of
the many POW camps and enclosures was one of their tasks
along with garrisoning of selected cities an towns,
safeguarding roads and bridges and a myriad of other
tasks. I do not believe they were fully in place,
however, by 9 May.
So how did Oberstlieutenant Haen die? Did he become
distraught at the announcement that Germany had lost the
war and challenged a jumpy and untrained guard? Did an
opening in the wire prove to be too much temptation,
then a mad dash and a blaze of gunfire? Did a guard,
during the sortation of prisoners by rank, discover that
Haen was a field grade officer and decide that one more
Nazi, alive or dead, just wouldn’t matter? Did he simply
die of exposure? This is all lost to history but perhaps
in the memories of a few old veterans who were there,
German and American, all facts of that day are recalled.
The exclamation point to the end of the war. Events
unforgotten because everyone remembered where they were
and what they did when they learned that the war in
Europe was over and that German or American, they had
survived. A day of prayers, laughter, black slapping for
some, for others, perhaps fear for the future. The 9th
of May was a day filled with so much that it could not
be easily forgotten. Memories to last a lifetime of
having survived the war, a story to be told over and
over again. And there may be one or two men living to
this day who also recall a vision of that day outside of
Bad Kissingen, of a camp, the barbed wire and the blue
sky and the story of one last man who died on a late
Spring day with the coming of peace.
By June of 1945, U.S. units involved with POW camps
were releasing tens of thousands of captured German
troops each week to ease the strain on care and feeding
requirements and insure that some level of local
recovery and in particular, farming, could begin that
The Rudolf Haen collection of medals, badges, ribbon
bars, paperwork, diaries and photos sold for $ 11,
000.00 to a Spanish collector. They probably had been
kept at Haen’s home or by a relative and at some point,
still intact as a group, found there way into the
military collectables market. Between his globe trotting
job and other interests, the current owner is slowly
translating the Haen diaries and papers that perhaps at
some point, may will clarify at least Haen‘s last months
in Italy.
After the war, the remains of Rudolf Hain were
recovered and moved to an Austrian Military Cemetery in
Saint Johann, the Tyrol. Circumstantial evidence
suggests that the Veteran’s Association of the 2nd
Panzer Division was hard at work, recovering its honored
war dead.

Documents authorizing lower levels of the Tank Combat Award.

A marker in Austria and his decorations and papers fanned on
a desktop, Rudolf Haen, dead with the coming of peace.
Feb 08